
My name is Charles Gulotta, and I have worked as a freelance writer for the past thirty years. I’ve done a great deal of corporate advertising and marketing, and have published six books. But what I enjoy most is writing essays. They tend to be about the struggles and frustrations of daily life, and are written with a humorous outlook. A few are more serious, just because not everything is funny.

I resisted blogging for a long time, but I’ve gotten hooked. Now that you’re here, I hope you’ll take a few minutes to look around and read a few pieces. I’d love to hear what you think. I welcome sincere feedback and promise to reply to every comment.

Thank you for visiting!

262 Responses “About” →
  1. Hi Charles:
    I found your blog thru the link on Heidi Turner’s blog. (She and I are colleagues at PWAC.)

    You have an amazing following! How on earth do you get so many comments per blog post! I’ve had one post that got 40 comments, but usually it is considerably less.

    Would love for you to drop into my writer’s blog and give me some feedback. Will be posting a new post on Wednesday, but have been away and just catching up. (Also have a travel blog which I did update on the weekend, but the writer’s blog is due for a new post this week. Each blog gets a new post every other week.)

    Please drop into http://doreenisthewizardofwords.blogspot.com/ and say Hello.

    Doreen Pendgracs


    • Dear Doreen,

      I’m still pretty new at this, so I don’t necessarily understand what’s happening. But I don’t see it as a following. Rather, it seems to be like a colony that’s growing. My blog is one little piece in the colony. I visit all of the other blogs, read their posts, and leave comments. They mostly do the same. It’s a mutual respect kind of arrangement. Then magically, someone new appears (as you did) and it keeps building. It seems to be based on the things we were all taught are supposed to work out in the real world, but often don’t: honesty, courtesy, trust, encouragement.

      That’s all I know. And about the comments, those numbers are somewhat inflated: for every comment that someone leaves, I respond. Sometimes we go back and forth two or three times; so interacting with one person could show up as six comments.

      I will definitely visit your blog and see what you’re up to. It was great to hear from you.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Reply
  2. I stumbled onto your blog from Margaret Reyes’ blog. You have a great blog here and I love many of your posts. You have marketing experience AND you have written books- two things I’m very interested in :)! I’m currently in marketing although my background is engineering (you’ll understand when you read about me on my ABOUT page). I’ve procrastinated on writing on NaNoWriMo for years… I guess I’m just worried it’ll be complete rubbish. Anyway, Margaret has said I should just write so this November is the time. Nice to meet you. K


    • Dear K,

      Margaret is one of my very favorite bloggers, and I’m hoping she’s also a long-lost cousin.

      Thank you for the nice words. I didn’t even know what NaNoWriMo was and had to look it up. So you’re just beginning to write fiction? I am, too, and have the same fears. I keep reminding myself that most of what I write is rubbish anyway, so why would fiction be any different? That’s just the nature of writing, and I hope you won’t let it stop you. Don’t forget, when you see or hear any finished artwork (music, play, film, book, sculpture, painting), you’re only seeing the final product, and not all of the stages of rubbish that came before.

      I’ll visit your blog sometime today. Nice to meet you, too!


    • Hi K,

      Just saw your comment here (I found Charles’ blog today and I’ve been surfing around it on and off this afternoon — greatly enjoying my visit, I might add). Anyway, with NaNoWriMo starting up in just a few days I thought I’d offer you some encouragement. Frankly, the only way to kick out 50,000 words in 30 days is to allow them to be awful. Just rip-roaringly bad. Turn off your internal editor completely, and promise yourself you’ll come back in March for NaNoEdMo (national novel editing month) and turn your pencil sketch of a first draft into something a little bit more like art.

      Good luck!


  3. Thanks for your reply, Charles.

    Yes, I know what you mean. I consider those who follow my writer’s blog to be part of the same “tribe.” That’s why I named the entity of declared followers to be the “tribe.” Join us! We have great discussions.

    This week it’s on honesty and our prime virtues.


  4. Hi Charles:

    I’m adding some new folks to my blogroll in honour of my one year “blogiversary” tomorrow…I would like to include you in “He Said” if it’s okay…I truly enjoy your writing, and I think my readers will too!




  5. Terrance H.

    April 1, 2011

    I just found this blog, Charles, by way of Snoring Dog Studio. I think I’ll subscribe, because, after all, those seeking to become a better writer have a greater chance of success if they read good writing; your blog is filled with it.



    • Thank you, Terrance. What a nice thing to say. But if you want to read good writing, there’s no need to look past SDS’s blog; she’s one of my very favorites. I’m going to visit yours today, too. Thanks again.


  6. Congratulations for your blog. Your posts are very interesting.


  7. You are welcome into my tin box. http://parolesemplici.wordpress.com/mytinbox/

    Have a nice life


  8. Hi Charles,

    Thank you for making me laugh! I know it’s cliche, but your blog made my day. While avoiding work and surfing the internet, I found your site this afternoon via Heidi Turner’s blog. Love your writing style — so clean, clear and funny. And the cartoons… simply awesome!

    Andrea 🙂


    • Thank you, Andrea. I just visited your website and was equally impressed. I’d love to discuss the freelance writing business with you sometime.


  9. I can see how a person gets hooked on blogging. Appreciate the realness of your blog… Keep writing!



  10. ALIVE aLwaYs

    June 7, 2011

    Your blog is wonderful and you writing is definitely witty. I admire the art to put out words in humorous outlook, it kind of gets in head more sound, and many a times, it tends to affirm on a more serious note than even the most serious pieces, with a hint of sarcasm and humor. As for your posts intrigued from daily life, every newness comes from newer perspective, not the same old jargon of famous instances of past.
    So Charles, I guess I will be visiting more. Keep going. Love it here.


  11. you’re fantastic!


  12. Ciao and thanks for stopping by my blog and liking it! I was born in Ontario, Canada but as you now know I live in Sardegna. I hope to one day discover your native land, tis really only a hop skip and a jump for me. All the best from the Med.


    • I’m always surprised when I see a map of Italy and Sardegna isn’t there. How can they leave out such a big and beautiful place? I will visit there someday.


  13. Read the post that got FP’ed today, laughed my head off at it, figured you’re subscribable 🙂

    Look forward to coming back and exploring more thoroughly!


  14. Hey, Charles: I just wanted to give you a little blog award and tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog. See it here: http://thegirlinthehat.wordpress.com/2011/06/14/the-free-love-blog-award%E2%80%94no-strings-attached/


    • Anna,
      I apologize for taking so long to reply. That Freshly Pressed thing was pretty overwhelming. In fact, I still haven’t answered all of the comments, but I’m working on it. And I’m trying to decide what to do about the award you so generously offered to me. I’ve done two (or is it three?) posts based on blogging awards, and I worry that readers will roll their eyes at yet another. But I’m off to visit your blog now.


  15. Mr. Charles, can i call you Charles? as we only know each other via blog comments, i didn’t want to make any assumptions.. however, i find that we share a like of each others posts. yours make me laugh out loud in the dark and mine make you tell me to “write a book”. that’s just amazing. thanks for the frequent visits and the comments. they are always welcome and encouraging. by the way, i’m Tanisha. Tanisha Ware. nicetameetya! gladtaknowya!


    • It’s nice to meet you too, Tanisha. Before I started blogging, I had no idea how many wonderful and talented writers there were out there. It’s been fun to read their work and get to know them a little. I’ve quickly come to think of you that way. And I mean what I say about writing those books!



  16. Charles,
    Your work was recommended to me by a friend of mine: Iced Tea with Lemons (Karen Eubank).

    I have read a few of your postings already and enjoy your style. I will be watching your blog for new posts!

    I am an engineer by trade but recently I have been exploring writing and photography. Creativity liberates me from the rigidity of engineering. I believe it has helped me “think outside of the box.”

    I am a fledgling writer, hopefully, slowly developing my own style.

    Thank you again for sharing your writing!



    • Miles, your comment ended up in the Spam folder. I don’t know why that happens, but I don’t check it as often as I should. I’m glad to hear that writing is helping you express your creativity. Keep working at it. And any friend of Karen’s is a friend of mine!


  17. Charles, I have nominated you for ‘The Versatile Blogger Award’

    Since you have already received this award before, it would be understandable if you choose not to accept it this time.

    Yours is one of the few blogs I follow and it is a genuinely rewarding read at that. Most of the posts are showered with 50+ comments, some as big as the post itself. So, I refrain from adding to the melee.



    • Thank you, Slaves. This award and several others have been circulating for quite some time. I may do another post with it, just to publicize a few great blogs I’ve discovered in recent months. Either way, I appreciate the recognition.


  18. Wow! I knew, from the moment I read your “freshly pressed,” featured blog post, that you were more than just a blogger. Your writing is incredible! 6 published books? Congratulations. Question: out of all six, which are you the most proud of (in other words, which book should I start with?) I love and admire your style of writing. I’ve written in journals for the past 10 or so years (I’m twenty now) and I’ve been a blogger for alittle over a year. This November will be my first whole-hearted attempt at a novel (I’m participating in NaNoWriMo). I’ll be keeping up with your posts and am certain I’ll be able to learn a lot from reading what you’ve written.

    Aun Aqui


    • Thank you for asking about the books. I worked hard on all of them. I guess I’m most proud of Writing Rules! It allowed me to be creative, but also precise. And I learned a lot while writing it.

      Good luck with your novel. Please let me know how it’s going.


  19. Hi Charles. I’m here because I always check out the freshly pressed blogs, especially if they have to do with writers. Then I realized that I recognized your name because I had read an article you’d written about self-publishing not too long ago. I am a writer and after 2 years of shopping my memoir around to agents who gave me great feedback but no cigar, I’m chatting with a publisher who was given a sample of my writing by one of their signed authors. However, nothing is in writing as I wait on pins and needles to see if the publisher will pick up my manuscript for publication. If he doesn’t, I will try to (very reluctantly) go the self-publishing route. I understand how serialized books about teenage vampires can become a success online via self-publishing, but the memoir of an unknown seems dicey. It burns my cookies to see books published by Sarah Palin, Snooky, Justin Bieber, etc. while legitimate writers languish on the vine.

    I love, love, love, your blog and it will be my constant companion. I have subscribed. Congrats on being FP’D!


    • Eleanor, I know exactly how your burned cookies feel. Publishers are zipping up their wallets left and right, but they’ll throw tons of money at people who couldn’t write a book if their lives depended on it. It’s all about risk and potential sales — not necessarily about quality work. But you already know that. I’ve read enough of your blog to recognize that you’re one of the good ones, and I hope you’ll open up to self-publishing. Write the best book you can, sell thousands of copies, then let the publishers come to you with offers.

      Thank you for the kind words. I’m going to visit your blog again, once I get out from under the FP flood. (Please remind me if I don’t.) And keep in touch, especially if you want to talk about self-publishing.


  20. You have such a bright mind, light bulbs going off all the time!!

    Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed again. I managed to fluke it once, but my blog is perhaps a little esoteric for most, whereas yours is very accessible. And funny as anything!!!!

    What are the titles of your books?



  21. Tiffany Hall

    October 13, 2011

    The more I read, the more I aspire to BE you. I’m pretty sure that when I was a little girl enthusiastically saying, “I wanna be a writer!” I was referring to a life similar to your own. You’re quite an inspiration!


    • Thank you, Tiffany. That’s nice to hear. In fact, I don’t think anyone has ever said they wanted to be me. (Sometimes I don’t even want to be me.)

      I’m sure your kids will give you plenty to write about.


  22. Hi,

    Your title of Don’t Ask, Don’t Yell caught my attention. As i read it, i was fascinated and completely enjoyed reading your piece. By the end, I kept wondering if you were a writer and turns out you are! I plan on reading more of your blogs, and the reason I started blogging was because my journalism professor encouraged me (she was also one to resist blogging, so it was quite a surprise). I hope to be a freelance journalist, one i finish my education, so if you have any advice, I would gladly hear it. Thanks and hope to read more of your work!

    btw, the last post was from an old account I used in one of my college courses. Didn’t realize I was on the account I do not use. Sorry for the misunderstanding


    • I don’t have a lot of advice. Just remember that writing takes a lot of work. Never be satisfied. Be a perfectionist. When people tell you how good you are, believe them just enough to keep writing. And don’t give your work away for free just for the sake of being published. If you want people to value what you do, you have to value it just as much.

      That’s all I have. Good luck, and keep in touch!


      • I really wish there was a “Like” button for comments, because this is a wonderful piece of encouragement:

        “I don’t have a lot of advice. Just remember that writing takes a lot of work. Never be satisfied. Be a perfectionist. When people tell you how good you are, believe them just enough to keep writing. And don’t give your work away for free just for the sake of being published. If you want people to value what you do, you have to value it just as much.”

        I found this blog through Freshly Pressed and am glad I did. I’ve already been browsing and will continue to browse. It’s nice to meet you!


  23. You have so many terrific posts that I’ve decided to put you in my favorites and just take my time getting to know your work. I’ll get myself a nice cup of tea. Maybe, even, a couple of tea biscuits.

    Congratulations on being “Freshly Pressed.”

    Kaukab’s daughter


  24. May I ask a question, Charles! Are you ´just` writing whatever you´re writing, is it sitting down, typing and there it is or are you sketching, and doing all sorts of stuff up front your writing, getting an idea of where you´re heading? Thanks for cutting out time, to anwer! 🙂


    • Sometimes I write in my head, like when I’m driving or in the shower. Other times, I’ll just sit down and start writing something, with no real idea of where it’s going. If I think I may be onto something but afraid I’m going to lose it before I have a chance to get it typed and saved, I’ll draw a mind map of the main ideas. Most of my first drafts are pretty bad. The process for me is a little like polishing wood — I may have to repeat the whole thing quite a few times before anything begins to shine. I also read it out loud to myself, and fix every little thing that bothers me.

      What is your process like?


  25. I stumbled upon your blog as a result of seeing your Freshly Pressed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Yell” post and I’m sure glad I did. I love your insights! Of the posts I’ve read so far, your ability to intertwine comedy and every day important life lessons is genius.

    I’ve subscribed to your blog after reading a few selections and I’m hooked. Keep up the good work!


    • Thank you, Joe. And congratulations on your new blog. I hope you’ll keep up the good work, too.

      My condolences on the Braves, by the way. It was an odd ending to the season, and the playoffs have been pretty unpredictable, as well.


      • Thank you for the congratulatory comments. My blog is young and seemingly unnoticeable right now so I certainly appreciate someone such as yourself who has hundreds, possibly thousands of followers, taking the time out to visit my blog.

        I am taking your advice though. I read on your blog that it’s important to visit other people’s blogs, comment, like, etc., and in turn they will likely do the same. So true! I have found the WordPress community is extremely supportive of each other.

        I know in time my blog will grow, I’ve just got to be patient. But because of people like you, it’ll be there in no time!

        Thanks again!


        • As soon as this Freshly Pressed storm has passed, I’d like to keep in touch. Yes, the blogging community is very supportive — for the most part — and that was a pleasant surprise for me.



  26. Tanner Brumbarger

    October 17, 2011

    Hi, Charles,

    I would love it if you traveled to my blog. I am hoping to get a larger following. I like to publish my opinions whether people agree with them or not! http://www.opinionzmatter.com



  27. Good Morning Charles,

    I came accidently to your blog and enjoyed reading very much 🙂 Where are you located?
    I know the feeling, writing posts in my head (everywhere i go) and end up in the end with something complete different.
    My own blog is half english, half german – i also write for http://blog.kachingle.com



    • I’m glad you like it, Anika. Isn’t it amazing how you can start writing one thing and end up with something completely unexpected? It’s part of the fun. I’m interested to see what a bilingual blog looks like.

      I’m in eastern Canada. Where are you?


    • I am multicultural. I am German and live in Germany, the Netherlands and in the USA (San Francisco) – actually I am in the Netherlands 🙂
      Where in Canada are you exactly? Sadly I have never been there but would love to go there …


  28. Hey Charles! Thanks for your honesty. For me there´s always a gut feeling first. Then I sit down and write until I`m finished. Can be for a couple of hours, can be for a couple of days or (with that first book) weeks on end. The moment I`m in I`m in. No way out. Like glued to the chair. Not able to think about anything else. Energy level on top all the time. Bad part is when I`m finished I`m finished. I have no more feelings for what I wrote. Nothing. This is why I put everything aside when I was writing my whole life. Cause the moment I was finished it had no more meaning to me. Sounds stupid? Sure feels like. But if (for whatever reason) people got to read my stuff they loved it. I like to provoke. I like humor. I like poems. I have been a photographer for ten years but let that go last year. The commercial part took my love for that away. Now I`m trying to think of a way to put both things together… Turned 45 couple of weeks ago, maybe it´s just a midlife thing! Talk to you soon! 🙂


    • Couldn’t you continue to combine photography and writing on your blog, and eventually produce a book (or two)? I can’t read the words, but some of the images are beautiful.

      Happy Birthday! What a great age 45 is. I miss it.

      Keep in touch!



  29. ptigris213

    October 19, 2011

    Hello, Charles, and congratulations on being “Freshly Pressed”. I like your writing. If it makes you feel any better, I was a ‘questioner”, too. I think one of my most vivid memories is that of my mother. I was probably four or five. She stood there, yanking her hair in frustration and saying, “Child, you are going to ‘why’ me to death.”
    Which, of course, you know what my response was…



    • My mother used to tell me to “get out of her hair,” which always confused me and surely led to more questions.

      Thanks for the comment. I’m sorry it took so long for me to reply.



  30. Çiğdem Tanker

    October 19, 2011

    Hello Charles,
    Like ptigris213, i saw your blog posts on being “Fresly Pressed”. Your blog is very good. Congrats.


  31. hello Charles,
    read your blog through freshly passed. i enjoyed your writing. i have many ideas running in to my mind. i want to give words to everything i see around me. but it is difficult for me to give my thoughts words. you are gifted with nice word. nice blog. keep up good job.


    • It’s difficult to translate thoughts into words, and usually takes me several tries before it makes any sense at all. If you enjoy writing, keep working at it. And thank you for the nice comment, Rachna.


  32. although I am a techie…….but I love some of your hilarious posts…………..



  33. Don’t know how I found your blog….but wow….you have a gift! I hope you’re makin’ some bucks off it. I just started blogging a few months ago to my shock and amazement…because I did horrible in school. I have found great joy in blogging. I have a chronic illness and it helps me to stay focused on something positive.

    I love your blog because from the comments….it bringing JOY and a SMILE to people and we need it in the world today.

    So dude…you are super cool …and I just want to say. …May the Lord continue to bless you! Keepin’ smilin’!!


    • Thank you for the nice words and the good wishes. I wish you all the same. I hope your health improves and your writing continues to bring you joy.


  34. Hey Charles
    Came across your blog through Freshly Pressed and I must say in just a few lines you’ve completely won me over, and I can only hope to someday write as well.
    Thanks for the laughs. And the competition 🙂


    • I’ve been doing my best to reply to all of the great Freshly Pressed comments, but it’s taking me much longer than I’d hoped. Thank you, Colin, and I hope you’re still writing.


  35. Hey Charles,
    I will be honest that, when I woke up this morning I just needed something to read… I could have easily settled for the classified section of a newspaper if nothing else, that desperate I was. But I got lucky and I found your blog instead. Read a few posts and your about me section with a long tail of comments… its fascinating. It’s not just the freshness of ideas that I loved but also your way of expression and choice of words… so simple yet so effective… Magical! I was working as an Ops Manager and recently quit my 10 years career to really live my life. After wasting almost 4 months, today I was determined to really get to my 2 passions, reading and writing and I am glad I am starting with your blog. I badly lack consistency so I can’t promise but I will surely try to keep up with your blog and finish the rest of the old stuff as soon as I can. Thanks for sharing this wonderful material. Keep blogging.
    Bitter Charm



    • I don’t look at this page too often, which is why I’m just getting around to replying to your thoughtful comment. I hope you’re enjoying the decision to switch tracks in your life. Have you been writing? Let me know if you need someone to nag you!


      • You have no idea, how long I waited to see if I will get noticed in long list of fans here. I am not doing so well in terms of ‘enjoying the life part’ but I did surprise myself by reading your blog frequently, I can safely say I have finished reading most of your work here.. And I am so happy with the idea that you have published a book, I am gonna get my hands on it as soon as I can. Oh I so need someone to nag me back to life… 😉


  36. I laughed so hard at your Don’t Ask, Don’t Yell post I cried.

    I found you on Freshly Pressed, along with the 126,745 other bloggers and blog readers. Freshly Pressed is like the Oprah exposure of blogging, it’s incredible. Congratulations.

    If this is one minute out of the fifteen minutes of fame we all supposedly get, I can’t wait to see your other fourteen. 🙂

    Keep on keeping on!


    • It has been incredible, Carol. I don’t usually take this long to reply, and I feel bad about it. But thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate that you took the time, both to read and comment. I hope you’re doing well.


  37. My dream is to be a writer I love blogging as well. I have no collage under my belt but I do think I have some creative talent will you check my blog out djmiller878.wordpress.com and give me some advice my stuff is about my trials that I have dealt with read the about me first and you will understand .. I wrote a book too im in the final copy stages i have some parts of my book on my blog
    I just read about the questions kids and adults come up with.. I love it !! Your essays are wonderful pieces of art . That is what writing is an art form Thank you for taking the time to read my comment


  38. I reached your blog via the Freshly Pressed on wordpress.com.


  39. i love your writing. i loved it when i discovered it. i have loved it every moment since. particularly in the wee hours of the morning when all is still and quiet and i burst out into a gut wrenching guffaw at one of your posts.

    but today, today you are my hero. thank you for sharing everything that you have shared and always making me smile, laugh and reflect.

    i applaud you.


    • Tanisha, I don’t know what I could have possibly done to deserve such praise, but thank you anyway. I’m glad we’ve become buddies, and I look forward to our dessert marathon — someday! Meanwhile, please keep writing, and please keep being my friend.


  40. Really great blog of high quality, and very engaging. Another mention for you here, I’m sure you’re used to it now 🙂 – http://wp.me/pPN5N-bC


    • Thank you very much, Mahfooz. I appreciate the award, but am not sure if I’ll do another post with it. (There will always be other worthy bloggers to pass it on to, but I may have run out of things to say about myself!)


  41. I have nominated you for the award please have a look as given below; http://justsimplyinlove.wordpress.com/2011/11/19/the-liebster-blog-award/
    Thank you



  42. bladenomics

    December 3, 2011

    Hi Charles. Usually don’t prefer to leave comments ’cause silly Google shows it up when my name is searched. Nevertheless, I ve read your current blog since I finished undergrad school a year ago. Have “followed” and subscribed to so many blogs but only some blogs like yours, I don’t wait for an email notification but I come often to read your old posts. It often feels like you put into words, in the best possible way, what I have always wanted to say. Pass on the links to some of your posts to my friends. Reading your posts, especially your Still Human category, makes a hard day seem light. Nice work. Hoping to read your book soon. Regards Karthika.


    • Karthika, thank you for this thoughtful and sensitive comment. I appreciate your kind words, and look forward to reading more of your wonderful blog in the new year.


  43. Yes, I teach in Taipei, Taiwan. I specialize in puzzles, Dora ones mainly. Other than the fact that I’d prefer to do less talking, I’m really liking this job.

    By friends I suppose you mean the internet variety? I’m going to guess you don’t live in Taiwan. The Bronx? Since I desperately need friends, I’m willing to forgo hanging around “you” while eating broccoli, squash… or artichoke as long as you promise to stop sending hate mail to the Squash Eaters of America Coalition Force Union Alliance.



    • I never send hate mail. I swear, it wasn’t me. I have been saying bad things in private, though. But if you’d really be my friend, I’ll stop.

      I hope the new year is a great one for you, Emily. Looking forward to reading more of your blog posts.

      Coalition Force Union Alliance?


  44. Charles!! For some reason, I can’t seem to find your email address — but I wanted to let you know that I had mentioned you (and your blog, of course) in my post today – and linked to you.
    I think you’ll enjoy the reference …. ha!! xoxoox B


  45. One of the most amazing blogs I’ve seen till now, which is the reason I’m nominating you for the “Versatile Blog Award”
    you are mentioned here: http://envisioningfuture.wordpress.com/2012/01/11/the-honor/
    Everyone being nominated is presented with the award and hence they have to fulfil their duties respectively. The rules are as follows:

    1. Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.
    2. Share 7 personal things about yourself.
    3. Pass this award along to 5-15 recently discovered blogs you enjoy reading.
    4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.


    PS: do check out my blog 🙂


  46. Charles,

    Not that you need another accolade to throw onto the heap you already have, I’m awarding you with the Versatile Blogger Award. You know I’ve enjoyed your posts, particularly the post about moving to Canada. Your observations are always spot on and humorously expressed.

    The Versatile Blogger Award

    Thanks for your blog.



    • Thank you, Susan. I always appreciate that you take the time to read my posts, and to leave such kind and supportive comments, as well. I’ll try to do justice to your award.


  47. Charles,

    Please join me in the protest against SOPA/PIPA. Visit my blog for more details. If you want to black out in protest as well, log into your dashboard, click “Settings” then “Protest SOPA/PIPA then select the option you wish.




  48. Drop by anytime. Cheers.


  49. I am sure that you have been nominated too many times to count, but I’ve just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. There is truly no obligation to this. I don’t expect you to comment, I just really wanted to let you know how much I appreciate what you write.

    Thank You!

    Thank you!



    • Tammy, I’m not sure why it’s taken me so long to reply to this comment, but thank you. As you know, it’s always nice to get some positive feedback.


  50. Just stumbled upon your blog, and subscribed to it. So much to check out and to ponder about. Thanks, Charles. My main blog is in blogger. Drop in any time. http://catsruledogsdroole.blogspot.com/ Be well. Love, cat.


    • Thank you, Cat. I visited your blog about an hour ago, first the one with the incredible photographs, and then the beautiful poetry (and typography).


  51. Since you and I have a common way of seeking to understand the world. I wanted to introduce you to the blog entry that is currently making me feel amazement and no end of envy over the completely awesome writing in this entry. I give you this: http://1000awesomethings.com/2012/04/18/2-remembering-how-lucky-we-are-to-be-here-right-now/. I will just say you are welcome, because I know before you even read it..that this is going to make you feel amazing after you read it. Like you want to embrace the whole damned world and race around in circles like you did when you were a kid and felt incredibly happy and lucky to be alive. Did I mention I think being alive is awesome?



    • Thanks, Bekki, and you’re right: Being alive is amazing, and we spend too little time rejoicing in that fact. It’s good to have a reminder now and then.


  52. Had a little look around – isn’t it nice to be able to do that, pick things up and have a squizz, meander around, and walk out again, without hurting anyone’s feelings? But I won’t be doing that, because I’m hooked, and will be back again soon:)


  53. Dear Charles, c/o Mostly Bright Ideas,

    You have made it to my blogroll for your attention to the craft of Storytelling. Thank you for your reflections on the human experience.

    If not for your being Freshly Pressed, I may not have ever read “Don’t Ask, Don’t Yell.” Then again, I am certain I have lived the experience. Ah, the power of the story.



    • Thank you, Colleen. As I sit here struggling with my next post, your comment and its encouraging tone arrived at exactly the right time.


  54. Hey Charles! Stumbled across your blog today…love your writing. Great word choices and so darned funny!


  55. Everything Amy Duncan said, and this–your writing delights and inspires…glad I found your blog!


  56. Hey! I nominated you for the Most Inspirational Blogger award
    You deserve it! You can find out more about it here,

    I won an award! SOMEONE TELL MY MOM!


  57. Hello Sir… i read your few posts on your blog today… and i really liked them… 🙂
    I am inspired by your writing, though i am more in writing poems and songs… but your posts are inspiring… 🙂 I wish to publish a book too… 🙂 Lets see what happens… 🙂
    Keep on writing… Nice Work… 🙂 Have a Good Day… 🙂


  58. Hi Charles! came across your blog via FP. loved and enjoyed the blog. delightful!


  59. Hello Charles,
    I try to take some time on Sundays to work on my project and wander around the world of blog. Today I wondered in to your part of the blog world and really enjoyed reading the stories about family. That is something that folks take for granted and to share family stories and events is something that I hope inspires us to make family more important in our lives then it has ever been.
    I would ask if you would take a minute to look at my project as I am reaching out to folks who have the gift of writing. It is still under construction,but I am finding young people that are passionate about their craft and have expressed interest in participating in my work. I can not get in depth at this moment in regards to specifics of the project but I am curious if you would have time somewhere along the line to perhaps contribute in a way that might be of a mentor to these young and upcoming journalists.
    Thanks for your time and keep the stories coming !
    Rick Ondrusek


    • Thanks for thinking of me, Rick. I’d be happy to talk about it with you when the time is right. Meanwhile, good luck with your project. It sounds worthwhile.



      • raondrusek

        July 7, 2012

        Appreciate that response Charles. I am excited about the project ! At this point we will be taking a more serious step in enlisting a project manager to keep us on track. I really need to spell check as I continue to “wonder” around the world of blog !! Thanks again,RickO


  60. Hi Charles, just stumbled across your blog, thank you. I’m looking forward to working through your archives. Really insightful and funny.!


  61. Hey there Charles,
    Not sure if you’ve been given this award already…haha, it might be childish, but I wanted to present you with it anyway! The Kreativ Blogger Award! http://thenecessaryblog.wordpress.com/2012/08/05/kreativ-blogger-award/


    • Thank you, Josephine. Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply. I’ll try to think of some way to treat the award — kreativly, of course.


  62. WP is not sending notifications of my posts to you, you tell me. Please do refresh your subscription; it helps, I am told. 🙂


  63. Nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award.
    Check out the rules at my post for the same- http://addressisnotavailable.wordpress.com/2012/09/13/the-one-lovely-blog-award/


    • Congratulations on getting the award, Ruchika, and thank you for passing it along to me. I’ve already done a couple of award posts, so I’m not sure what I’ll do with this one. But I really appreciate the gesture.


      • I didn’t get the award, I was nominated myself. I’m good with anything you decide, but I had to let you know, in case you wanted to write the required blog post.

        Great writing of course. Keep going! 🙂


  64. I have missed so many posts. I will have to rectify this on Sunday. Ah yes. Reading back posts will be fun. Expect an explosion of comments. LOL


    • Thanks for the warning, Bekki. I’m prepared.


      • I read only 2 posts. I am such a lightweight. I have been working so much and sleeping so little I got woozy after reading only 2 posts. No, your writing did not put me to sleep (before you even suggest such a thing) I just need to rest now that the weather is going from warm to cold. During these periods my Fibro gets so much more painful. I think it’s time for me to start my cardio again. 🙂 Just over a month until I get to go back to England to see M for 2 whole weeks. I am soooo excited. I promise to share photos when I get back. I have off tomorrow and I plan to really get comfy and read.


  65. Ps. I wonder if you will ever do a post about the things that make you nuts while waiting in line. My biggest is the person talking on the cell phone. There there is the person who just needs to run out to their car or back into the store aisle for something but refuses to leave the line and instead sends their clueless kid to get it. The person who is sure there is a coupon in their purse if they just dig deeper. The person who wants to delete half the items once they hear the total. The person who brings in a return with no tag or bar-code and then grumbles because you have to find a similar item to get the bar code off. The person who cuts in line. The person who asks for something after the entire order is complete and you are about to take the money (anyone in retail knows once you are on the pay screen there is no going back after that so you end up having to void the entire thing and start over. ) Then there is my ultimate favorite the customer who comes in and complains about something and then learns that this is not even the right store for the item they are complaining about. Please, please, please consider sharing your favorite line waiting pet peeves. 🙂


  66. Hey Charles, Your blog is great so I just nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. Follow http://zinalbhadra.wordpress.com/2012/09/03/221/and accept your award. Congratulations!


  67. Just wanted to let you know I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I hope this will be welcome news for you. If you prefer not to accept the award, I certainly understand, but I hope you will visit the other nominees, and they will visit you, just the same. To see more about the award and accepting this nomination, please visit my post at http://wp.me/p2ekZU-E4. All the best!


  68. I’ve started reading your latest “series” and I’m looking forward to the next (last?) part of it. Reading it you (well, I) get a feel for the anxiety of a child’s world collapsing. It’s like finding out about Santa^10.

    Anyway, I didn’t really want to comment much on it before you open the comments over there, but I did want to say hi. So there, hi.


    • Hi, TAE. Thank you for taking the time to read these posts. They represent a temporary change in direction, but I hope to lighten things up again soon.


      • Well, it’s the gloom that brought me 😉
        It’s often cathartic to write it all down. It’s a great process.


  69. I wil be following you … no matter what .. mainly because you seem to be a ’55er as well … Don’t know right now how and where to steer my life right now … something will come up or go dow … I guess … always appreciate you blog entries, Mr. Bronx Boy 55 … Love, cat



  70. nailingjellotoatree

    November 19, 2012

    Charles! would you consider a reblog?!

    I’m trying to help my friends raise the 18,000 smackeroos needed to adopt from Uganda. Would you consider a reblog to help raise awareness and money for this amazing raffle basket? The raffle closes in just 13 days and as of today, she still only has 150 in donations! Crazy for such an amazing basket.


    Thanks! Sandra L.


  71. You have a trillion awards already. I just lost my award virginity. I have nominated you so that the 5 people in the world who don’t already know you might find you. Don’t feel obliged to do the full award kerfuffle, but you may want to read the compliment. Who doesn’t want to read compliments?

    An award! I got an award! An actual award!


  72. Congratulations! I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. For the rules and my 11 questions of you, please visit my blog post at http://where2look4ancestors.com/2013/01/06/award-winner-who-me/


  73. I thought this a good as place as any to say how flattered I am that you come to my silly little blog at all! I enjoy this blog very much.


  74. Hi, just wanted to let you know I nominated your blog for the Sunshine Award. You can find the info at my page.



    • Thanks. I’m not sure I’m going to do another award post, but I’ll let you know. And I definitely appreciate the gesture.


  75. I stopped by your blog after seeing a comment you made on Stacie’s page. And now I’m following you so I won’t miss anything …


  76. Congrats! You’ve been given the Versatile Blogger Award. Pick it up here if you like – http://thepolkadotskirt.net/2013/03/07/versatile-blogger-award-and-the-seven-things-about-me-you-probably-didnt-know/


    • Thank you very much. I’m not sure I’ll do another award post, but I appreciate the thought. And congratulations to you, too.


  77. Hello,
    I am very glad I visited! Congratulations on the six books! I must purchase Writing Rules and One Thousand Words. Being a writer and teacher, I know that learning never ends. It is an on-going process. Many times, I wonder if I am using the rules correctly. (Like, should there be a comma between times and I in the previous sentence? I really hate being wrong.) Being a GED teacher, I know that I can benefit from relearning difficult rules and, especially, I look forward to reading what you have to say about essay writing. (And now, I’m overly conscious about what I’ve just written.) Anyway…I really enjoy your posts! Thanks for sharing.


    • Thank you for the comment, Arsoleen. One of the things I learned while writing the book was that many rules are less rigid than I’d always thought. And some aren’t rules at all. (It’s okay to start a sentence with “and,” for example.) I would’ve put a comma after times, too.


  78. Your cartoons are really interesting – did you draw them yourself?


  79. Interesting blog you have here…


  80. I have nominated you for The Super Sweet Blogging award. http://thesoundoflaughter.wordpress.com/2013/04/11/sweet-blogging-award-nomination/


  81. I stumbled upon your blog from the freshly pressed area. I am very new at this, but I just wanted to let you know that I am enjoying your perspective! Thank you!


    • Thanks, Katie. I haven’t been Freshly Pressed recently, so you must have found me some other way. But I’m glad you did.


  82. Hi, I nominated you for a Liebster. Check it out here http://missmeddle.wordpress.com/2013/05/18/of-awards-and-reasons-to-post/
    Cheers 🙂


  83. Hi Charles, I found your blog as a result of a comment you made on another blog. The comment was interesting enough to take a peek at your site. I’m glad I did. I enjoyed reading this article. I too stepped into the bloggershere reluctantly but somehow became addicted. I have no understanding of it and learn something new everyday. Congratulations on your writing success and your blogging!


    • I just took a quick look at your blog and was impressed with what you’ve done in just a few weeks. Good luck, and keep it going. I’ll definitely be back to read more. And thank you for the kind words.


  84. Charles, Do you have Facebook? If so I reaaaally need to add you.


  85. Charles, your blog popped up on mine. I am blog illiterate. Took me about 5 minutes to figure out how to contact you. At first I did the “like” button, but that made me a follower. Then I hit email, but I didn’t know your email address and had no reason to email myself. So…I took a look at your blogs and I like them because you are all over the place, much like me. I’ll check in occasionally and maybe I’ll get a notice somewhere when you post a new blog? No hurry. You’ve got enough to entertain me for quite some time.

    I also was a freelance writer for magazines… monthly for five years, but then I had to go make some money so I had to quit. No time to work, raise kids, and have fun freelancing. I was a VERY slow freelance writer and back then there was no internet. I had so many reference books because I couldn’t trust myself to spell or know the meaning of a word. I was a mess of a writer! Take care and I’ll be back.



    • There’s certainly no indication from your comment that you’re a mess of a writer. I think insecurity can sometimes be a strength.

      Thanks, Deb. I’ll be over to visit your blog soon.



  86. Gray Dawster

    June 2, 2013

    It is always nice to read such a fine introduction when visiting a new Space, of course in contrast my ‘About’ page is extremely lacking, however if you wish to venture into my world of blogging one of these days, then please rap on the gates and I will let you in 🙂

    Enjoy your weekend…



  87. I stumbled onto your blog too via Winsomebella, and decided I love your writing. I have now joined the masses following you.


  88. Hi Charles, you’re not directly linked to this but you’re mentioned in this profile post Alan King did about me and my blog. Just thought you’d like to know! http://wp.me/pC3Xj-OH


  89. Hello Charles… I have only read your blog title and about me section, but I am already hooked! Cheers, Sam



  90. JenerationLife

    August 26, 2013

    Hi! I just came across your blog and I love it! I am a new fan! Just wanted to say your topics make a very interesting read and I love your writing. Can’t wait to see more… if you ever get a chance.. please visit my blog:


    I’m new to the blogging world!


  91. I recently stumbled upon your blog and I am intrigued after reading a few of your posts! I’m looking forward to reading more! I am fairly new to blogging. Hoping to someday make it into something as grand as your blog! http://www.confessionsofa911dispatcher.com



  92. reinventionofmama

    October 15, 2013

    I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award because I think you are terrific, creative and positive! Hope you’re doing well. You can find the details on my post: http://reinventionofmama.com/2013/10/15/thank-you-thank-you-i-love-my-sunshine-award/



  93. carol massaro

    October 28, 2013

    hi Charlie! happy birthday! hope you and your family are well. saw sue barletta last year in florida. it was a fun reunion. am still living in rockland with paul. kids are grown and out.

    be well carol cappola massaro, cappy1031@aol


  94. I’m relatively new to blogginig and have just discovered this one. It’s both entertaining and thought-provoking, a slippery combination which not everyone can manage. Looking forward to reading more.


    • Thank you. I just left an eerily-similar comment on your post, Meditations and Teachings, which I liked a lot. I hope you’ll be back to read more, and I’ll try to do the same.



  95. digbydigz

    January 4, 2014

    Found your blog through WordPress. Well written, genuinely funny.

    I’m new to blogging, and would love your feedback if you have time to visit me at http://www.squirrelsinthedoohickey.com. Like yours, mine is a mix of serious and humorous.


    • I’m going to look around right now. Meanwhile, thanks for the comment.


      • Charles, more than two years since you’ve commented on my blog that I should gather some of my posts and publish them, I’ve finally come around to the idea. However, it seems a moral outrage to make people pay for something they can get for free on the internet. Should I include gratuitous pictures of myself at 3 years old with ice cream all over my face trying to eat bubble wrap, and dancing the hokey pokey, so the paying audience feels they’ve gotten their money’s worth? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


        • I struggled with the same thoughts, Susan, and my initial concerns proved valid. I’ve sold very few copies of the blog book. My advice would be to go ahead with it if your goal is to publish a book. If you’re looking to make a lot of money with it, then you should first consider how long it’s going to take for you (or someone) to re-format the posts into book form, and whether selling a few dozen copies will be worth all the time and effort. I know that sounds negative and pessimistic, but I have several blogging friends who have gone through the same process, with similar results. It seems to come back to your original question: why would people pay for something when it’s all there, for free, on your blog? The answer seems to be that most won’t.


          • Thanks for your candid reply, Charles. I’ve had friends who said I should put the posts into book form, but I can’t justify the cost plus the humiliation, when my friends use the book to prop up a table with part of its leg missing. I’ve also thought about writing longer, more detailed stories suitable for a book, but that will just be more costly and a thicker book, which is pretty much useless for propping up anything.


  96. Great site!



  97. whyistherebreadinmykoolaid

    March 17, 2014

    I’m not sure if you DO awards… but I’m placing the laurels around your crown just in case you do. Here’s a Liebster Award because I think your blog is the bee’s knees. http://whyistherebreadinmykoolaid.wordpress.com/2014/03/17/hooray-for-me-a-liebster-award/


  98. Your intro is very welcoming. I am new at this, too. I’ll check out more later.


  99. Lovely blog!


  100. I have so much respect for people who write humor and all of your posts I’ve been reading so far have cracked me up. I have a feeling I won’t have to look far for inspiration if ever I go slow on writing targets!
    Looking forward to more laughter and wisdom from your blog, cheers!


  101. A Delightful blog, Charles! Give us More!


  102. Hi, Charles!

    I’ve been following your blog for a long time and I enjoy almost every piece you’ve written. I find your posts on parenting inspiring for me as a young mother of 3 kids.

    I work as an editor for a parenting website and I was wondering if you would like to contribute an article on parenting? If you are, do email me at editor@kiddy123.com for us to discuss more as I can’t disclose as many details here yet.

    I look forward to hear from you!


    • Thanks for the nice words, Jaja, and for the invitation to write an article. I’ll send you an email and we’ll go from there.


  103. I just started a blog called Life Coach Suzy and was looking at other blogs to follow. I have no idea how WordPress works but I am giving it a shot. You are the first follow I have done!


  104. I (like some of these other replies) have started blogging. I set up on Google blogspot but have just put together some of the same stuff in WordPress. I wanted to check out how well i can develop the blog.

    Enjoyed a few of your essays. I think my writing is similar in that I like to tell stories about life. I will keep checking in here from time to time.

    Look me up if you get a chance or have a slow day – “A Trivial Mind At Work” (dewagoner.wordpress.com).


  105. Hi Charles , I mentioned to one of the bloggers about your writing, he wanted me to give him the link, I told him I don’t have the link but will inform him when your post comes up.


  106. I was just browsing parts of your SAT book that appear via Amazon’s “Look Inside!” feature. Tip #66 is certainly a needed one, but I’m sorry that it is. I taught secondary math on and off from the 1970s through the 2000s, and somewhere along the line I became aware that students were being told that in multiplying fractions they should multiply across the top first and then across the bottom. Nary a word about first canceling, a word and a practice that had themselves been canceled in the wake of the so-called modern mathematics juggernaut. Educationists felt that because some students get confused and attempt to cancel even when fractions are being added, it’s better to do away with canceling altogether. By that sort of “reasoning,” we would have to do away with cars because some people drive recklessly (and wreckfully).

    From several articles that I’ve read about the recent Common Core, it seems that its approach to arithmetic carries over some of the techniques and rhetoric of the modern math movement of the 1960s. One advantage to getting older is that I’ve seen so many things before. One disadvantage to getting older is that I’ve seen so many things before, and I’ve become cynical.


    • It seems that each new approach to math claims, as one of its goals, to help students understand underlying concepts, rather than teaching them to perform mindless steps. But too often that’s exactly the result — they may know what to do, but have no idea why they’re doing it. Then, faced with a slight variation of a problem, they’re lost.


  107. Hi there! I have nominated you as ‘ the very inspiring blogger reward’
    Thanks for being awesome.


  108. Hi! I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. You can find out about it over at my blog: http://accidentallyreflective.com/2014/10/23/liebster-award-nomination/ 🙂


  109. Hi, great blog and your books look really interesting. We’ve just started a blog asking people to send in any witticisms from their old school reports. . .


  110. ☆ ☸☃☞ Merry Christmas, Charles! ☜ ★☼☽


  111. Hi Charles,
    So glad I found your fabulous blog! I can relate to living within my head too:) I am going to visit again and catch up on reading your posts!


  112. Hi Charles and people,

    This is another desperate student! My wordpress is a temporary blog for a computer science project at Mars Hill University, I was wondering if you guys can help the blog somehow. Given that, the views and followers will determine the grade at the end of semester. thanks for your consideration.




  113. My Dear Charles, I absolutely Love the Graphics You invariably provide with Your thoughts. You are a Great Artist! Kudos and Regards. 🙂


  114. Hi Mr. Gulotta! My name is Nethra, and I’m 16 years old. I’m a huge fan of your blogs and love your drawings as well! I just started a blog, and I was hoping you could give me a few tips about blogging in general. I would appreciate it very much!
    Thank you!



  115. Outsider

    August 28, 2016

    After several crying jags today (still mourning my mother’s passing), I stumbled on your brain in a jar essay, and OHHHHH, was that ever JUST what the MD ordered, ROTFL! Laughter is indeed the best med. Your blog is going into my favorites. Thanx for allowing us strangers to enjoy your fabulous humor!


  116. Stumbled here, looking for the quick brown fox. Such a hoot. Going for another cup of coffee so I can catch up on the rest of the posts. Shouldn’t take but a coupla days.



  117. Stephen Warren

    June 9, 2020

    Hello! I’d like to ask you about the use of one of your pictures in a blog post, either to ask permission to reuse, or to find out the source. Thanks!


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