Browsing All posts tagged under »universe«

The Quick Brown Fox

May 9, 2014


I waste a lot of time. So far I’ve gotten away with it, because there always seems to be another tomorrow waiting to replace the yesterday I spent cleaning my keyboard and counting deposit bottles and scrutinizing the checking account statement to identify that mysterious nine-dollar charge. Weeks, months, and entire years have vanished this […]

Aboard this Tiny Ship

July 14, 2013


I waste too much of my brain engaged in trivial thoughts. I’m frequently tempted to call the toll-free numbers on the sides of food packages, just to see if anyone is really there. I struggle to remember what ever happened to those poor people stranded on Gilligan’s Island. Mostly, I wonder how extension cords manage […]

Retouching the Big Picture

May 31, 2011


As a young boy attending Catholic school, I was taught that God made the universe and everything in it. His design was all part of a grand plan, which we mortals of limited wisdom could barely begin to comprehend. If the furnace blew up or Uncle Dominick drowned in a lake, we were supposed to […]