Browsing All posts tagged under »Thanksgiving«

It Goes Without Saying

November 28, 2013


Sometimes I’ll be seated at my desk, pretending to be working or lost in thought, and someone will walk by and say, “Is it okay if I steal your pen?” As they ask me this, they’re grabbing one of the hundreds of pens that I’ve acquired over recent years, and that are now scattered around […]

The Well-Dressed Post

November 28, 2012


At a recent Thanksgiving dinner, someone asked if I would pass the dressing. Growing up where I did, I was more used to the term stuffing. To me, dressing is that gloppy mixture you pour over salad. But I’m sophisticated and worldly, and I knew almost immediately what she was talking about. Also, there was […]

A Basket of Hope

November 20, 2012


Just yesterday, I learned about a couple named Sherry and Craig. I have no idea where they live, although I imagine it’s somewhere in the United States. I’ve never met or even spoken to them, and likely never will. My link to Sherry and Craig is a tenuous one, provided by Sandra, the author of […]

On A Roll

November 25, 2010


When I was nine years old, I won a bicycle at our church bazaar. I say I won it, but all I had done was place a coin on a number, and when the big wheel stopped on that very number, I had a brand new bike. It was blue, with 20-inch tires, a light […]