Browsing All posts tagged under »comic books«

How the Old Days Got Their Name (Part 2)

March 21, 2013


Grown-ups could never stop telling me what it was like when they were young, which always made me feel grateful that I wasn’t alive back then. They didn’t have television, so they had to listen to the radio, or read dull novels about horses and office workers and Californians. Even comic books tried to shove […]

Dare To Say No

February 17, 2013


Recently, a fellow blogger named Rachael challenged me to write a post that addressed the topic of childhood dares. I said I’d do it if she did. Then she turned things up a notch: she double-dog dared me. It had been a while since I’d heard that expression. Decades, maybe. When adults use the word […]

Hard to Grasp

November 10, 2011


On the day of my birth, I was the youngest person in my family. I know this is true for everyone who has ever been born, but I wanted to claim some special distinction, even if just for the briefest moment it took you to realize that there wasn’t anything remarkable about it. The year […]

A True Work of Art

January 12, 2011


Every Italian has exactly one friend named Angelo. I met Angelo DeCesare in 1960, in Mrs. Brilli’s kindergarten class at Our Lady of Grace School in the Bronx. If you look at the photo below, Angelo is in the back row, second from the left — the one who’s thinking, “Someday I’m going to enjoy […]