Browsing All posts tagged under »climate change«

A Cool Look at Global Warming (Part 2)

September 29, 2014


“The debate is over.” Al Gore said that about man-made climate change. A lot of other people have said it, too. But it isn’t true. If the debate were over, then no one would be debating it anymore. There was a time when it was widely believed that there were canals on Mars and bathing was […]

A Cool Look at Global Warming (Part 1)

September 21, 2014


In my lifetime, we have been scared out of our minds by an assortment of impending disasters: nuclear war, asteroids, asbestos, fire ants, locusts, killer bees, rogue planets, Lyme Disease, Mad Cow Disease, SARS, swine flu, bird flu, Satanic cults, holes in the ozone, the Bermuda Triangle, alien abductions, the Y2K bug, and – every […]

The Climate Change Hullabaloo

April 4, 2011


I’ve always been somewhat prone to feelings of guilt. Things were my fault, for reasons I couldn’t necessarily explain. Sometimes I could draw a line from an action I’d taken and connect it directly to the disaster unfolding before me. At other times, I’d have to use a little imagination before comfortably ascending my throne […]