Browsing All posts tagged under »celebrities«

A Cool Look at Global Warming (Part 2)

September 29, 2014


“The debate is over.” Al Gore said that about man-made climate change. A lot of other people have said it, too. But it isn’t true. If the debate were over, then no one would be debating it anymore. There was a time when it was widely believed that there were canals on Mars and bathing was […]

Better Left Unsaid? (Part 1)

May 22, 2011


My good friend Priya (Partial View) and I recently began talking about celebrities and how much certain people seem to worship them. By “certain people,” I mean women, especially married women. And by “worship,” I mean fantasizing about having real romantic relationships with male actors, musicians, and athletes: the so-called sex symbols. As we talked […]

When I’m in Charge (Part 1): Why We Need Rubber Cars

May 11, 2011


There are days when I have the ability to see joy and wonder and loveliness everywhere I look. Colors are vivid, birds are chirping, and the future looks bright and full of hope. This isn’t one of those days. We have big problems, and very few people are stepping up to correct them. The few […]

Attention Must Be Paid! (Could I At Least Borrow Some?)

May 12, 2010


We are human and so we not only want attention, we need it. In prison, they put people into isolation to punish them, and apparently it works. Celebrities pursue attention relentlessly, until they get too much of it, and then they run away and pretend to hide. Web-based social gatherings attract millions, all clamoring to […]