Browsing All posts tagged under »1960s«

Outta Sight

August 9, 2014


“You’re just too cool.” That’s what she said. In fact, those were her exact words, which proves one thing: she’s never met me. No one has ever described me as cool, or any heat level, for that matter. If there were a television show called World’s Least Cool Human Being, I would be the permanent […]

How the Old Days Got Their Name (Part 2)

March 21, 2013


Grown-ups could never stop telling me what it was like when they were young, which always made me feel grateful that I wasn’t alive back then. They didn’t have television, so they had to listen to the radio, or read dull novels about horses and office workers and Californians. Even comic books tried to shove […]

In Need of a Good Trim

December 6, 2012


It was called a crew cut, although I didn’t know why. I wasn’t a member of any crew that I was aware of, and hated how it felt. My parents did everything to persuade me, including the argument that the astronauts all wore their hair short so their helmets would fit better. I fell for […]

Twisted Values?

December 27, 2010


It has always mystified me how something can quickly fall from the very top of a Christmas or birthday list to the absolute depths of disdain — and the back of a closet. During the past fifteen years I’ve watched our children repeatedly obsess about some item they swore they couldn’t live without, only to […]

Then One Year, The Show Was Over

September 9, 2010


“The sixties are back, and better than ever!” Or so says a radio spot promoting Hairspray, the musical my wife and I saw last night at a local theater. I’m not one of those men who dread going to these shows; I like the singing and dancing and the music of a live orchestra. It’s […]

Losing My Memories?

May 29, 2010


There are memories locked in my brain in a secure storage room marked Things I’m Sure Happened Exactly As I Remember Them. It’s a big sign, but that isn’t the point. The point is that every once in a while, I stumble across some piece of irrefutable evidence that completely contradicts one of those memories. […]